During your first visit we will get to know one another and explore your needs and desired outcome for therapy. I welcome questions and I will offer you some of my initial impressions and feedback about how we might proceed. My approach includes various research-based techniques and creative therapeutic interventions tailored to meet your needs.

     I have extensive training in trauma and I view problems through the lens of how our life experiences can cause us to get stuck. Once these events are processed they no longer define us and we can be freed of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that no longer serves us.  

     I am a Certified Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapist and trained in Somatic Experiencing (SE). Both of these modalities are effective treatment approaches that I use in some form with most of my clients. They are explained in detail under the trauma link. Additionally, I am trained in Art and Expressive Therapy, Sand Tray Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and in Addictions and Codependency. I am a Certified Yoga Instructor and utilize mindfulness and an integrative approach that treats the whole person, mind, body and spirit.

     I enjoy being creative in my work. I understand that we are all unique and one size does not fit all. I will challenge you with interventions that will elicit change that is sustainable in the shortest amount of time possible. I offer you a safe, comfortable and casual atmosphere where you can do your work.

Patricia Zielinski M.A., LMFT

Licensed Marriage &Family Therapist/Certified EMDR Therapist

(949) 433-8949

My Approach

Home    My approach      About me      General info.     Trauma      EMDR Intensives     Expressive Therapy

 Phone: (949) 433-8949   /  Email: therapy@patriciazielinski.com

26431 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite 260

Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Patricia Zielinski M.A., LMFT

Licensed Marriage &Family Therapist/Certified EMDR Therapist

(949) 433-8949